

Looking for an apartment?

Please use the following form to specify your demands when you are looking for an apartment. 
Do you have any questions? We are looking forward to your call, your e-mail or your personal visit in our office.

Your housing preferences

The information marked with * is mandatory.

Please specify the maximum total rent.
including operating and heating costs
Please specify the desired area.
Please specify the desired rooms.

Important: Housing offers that do not meet the selected features will not be forwarded to you!
Example: If you choose "shower," you will not receive offers with a bathtub.

Your contact information

Please provide your First Name.
Please provide your Last Name.
Please provide your email address.
The Housing Eligibility Certificate (Wohnberechtigungsschein or WBS), also known as the B-Certificate, is an official document that allows a tenant to prove their eligibility to rent a publicly subsidized apartment (social housing). The Housing Eligibility Certificate is issued by the locally competent authority and is valid for one year from the date of issuance.

Further information regarding your request

Please specify the number of adult persons.
Please give your consent for the storage of your data for the purpose of contact.

Many details about Volksheimstätte GmbH can also be found in our newsletter. To subscribe, please click here.

Further information on data protection can be found on our Data protection.

Your contact person

Carmen ErbachTelephone switchboard

Telephone: 0551 37077 - 0